The Old Curiosity Shop, novel by Charles Dickens

Por Charles Dickens

Código del libro: 663761


Sagas, Clásicos, Aventura, Colecciones literarias, Ficción y Romance, Ficción

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"The Old Curiosity Shop" is a captivating novel by Charles Dickens, weaving a tale of love, loss, and redemption set against the backdrop of Victorian England. At the heart of the story is Little Nell Trent, a virtuous and gentle orphan girl, and her grandfather, who together run a quaint curiosity shop.

When Nell's grandfather falls into debt to the villainous moneylender Daniel Quilp, the two are forced to flee their home and embark on a journey filled with adventure and danger. Along the way, they encounter a diverse array of characters, from the kind-hearted Kit Nubbles to the eccentric Mrs. Jarley, each leaving a lasting impact on their lives.

As Nell and her grandfather traverse the countryside in search of refuge, they are pursued by Quilp and his nefarious schemes, leading to a dramatic climax that will test their resolve and their bonds of affection. Through their trials and tribulations, Dickens explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the enduring power of love in the face of adversity.

With its richly drawn characters, vivid descriptions, and masterful storytelling, "The Old Curiosity Shop" stands as a testament to Dickens's unparalleled skill as a writer and his keen insight into the human condition. As readers follow Nell and her grandfather on their journey, they are transported to a world filled with wonder and mystery, where hope springs eternal even in the darkest of times.


Número de páginas 0
Edición 1 (2024)
Idioma Inglés

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Habla con el autor

Jamila Mafra Sena de Santana

Bem-vindo à Stellar Pages Publishing House, uma editora dedicada a trazer o melhor da literatura clássica e moderna para leitores apaixonados. Na Stellar Pages, acreditamos no poder dos livros para inspirar, emocionar e transformar. Nossa missão é tornar acessíveis grandes obras da literatura, desde clássicos atemporais até joias pouco conhecidas que merecem ser redescobertas.

Bienvenido a Stellar Pages Publishing House, una editorial dedicada a traer lo mejor de la literatura clásica y moderna para lectores apasionados. En Stellar Pages, creemos en el poder de los libros para inspirar, emocionar y transformar. Nuestra misión es hacer accesibles grandes obras literarias, desde clásicos atemporales hasta joyas poco conocidas que merecen ser redescubiertas.

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