When the Sun Loves the Moon unfolds on a cosmic stage where two celestial beings, the Sun and the Moon opposites in every sense choose to experience the depth of human emotions by reincarnating on a small blue planet called Earth. The Sun, radiant and outgoing, takes the form of a vibrant young woman, while the Moon, introspective and tranquil, incarnates as a serene and quiet boy.
Driven by their desire to understand love and the intricate emotions that define human life, their paths cross by the whims of destiny. Years later, on the other side of the world, their lives intertwine once more as they pursue a shared purpose: completing high school while studying abroad. Their connection is instant and profound, a celestial dance that transcends comprehension.
For a year and six months, they embark on a journey filled with youthful romance and intense emotions, delving into the complexities of life and love while facing an inevitable, tragic future. As time slips away, the looming separation casts a shadow over their bond, and their story unfolds in a whirlwind of emotions, discoveries, and the fragile beauty of human connection.
When the Sun Loves the Moon is a dramatic symphony of fate s twists and turns, the fleeting wonder of young love, and the inescapable reality of separation. It is an ode to love that transcends the stars and the ephemeral moments that define what it truly means to live and feel.
This book is a prequel to Elite Academy Wass and part of Luiz Henrique Alves Wainberg s literary universe, though it can be read as a completely standalone story.
Número de páginas | 44 |
Edición | 1 (2024) |
Formato | A4 (210x297) |
Acabado | Tapa blanda (sin solapas) |
Coloración | Blanco y negro |
Tipo de papel | Ahuesado 80g |
Idioma | Portugués |
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