“Discovering Brazil with Caramelim” is an adorable and captivating children’s book about a beloved Brazilian mixed-breed dog, known as “caramel dog”, named Caramelim. With friends and family spread across Brazil, Caramelim embarks on exciting adventures, visiting loved ones and making new friends along the way. Now, he’s excited to share some of the things he loves about his country—sometimes with his best friend, Capivarinha, a charming Brazilian capybara. From the Amazon Rainforest to Rio Grande do Sul, Caramelim has something special to say about each state.
Discover Brazil’s stunning nature, fascinating traditions, delicious food, and lively city life with Caramelim!
This book, full of adventure, animals, and cultural exploration, is perfect for early readers or for parents to enjoy reading aloud to younger children. Its simple yet captivating narrative makes it an ideal way to introduce young readers to Brazil’s beauty and diversity.
ISBN | 9798342286244 |
Número de páginas | 32 |
Edición | 1 (2024) |
Formato | Quadrado (200x200) |
Acabado | Tapa blanda (sin solapas) |
Coloración | Colorido |
Tipo de papel | Estucado Mate 150g |
Idioma | Inglés |
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