Once Through the Eucalyptus Grove

Por Neuza Costa Leite de Almeida

Código del libro: 538490


Romance, Ficção Científica, Fantasia, Realismo Fantástico, Ficção e Romance, Ficción

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The book "Once Through the Eucalyptus Grove" is a narrative that takes the form of a novel/fantasy/science fiction and tells the story of a mysterious disappearance that occurred before the incredulous eyes of the people around.

As the reader begins to read the first few lines of this novel, they may immediately think that the story is heading towards a crime novel, only to discover a completely different reality. They may also have the impression that everything is just a dream. However, the truth emerges in a different way.

To gain this perception, the parameters emerge from a precise and subtle philosophical and psychological analysis of the characters' words. Among some of the peculiarities in the conception of life where the story unfolds, love stands out in a curious perspective: there, it is shown as broader, stronger, deeper, paradoxically, gentle.

Despite the perfect harmony that exists in the dimension lived by the character, there were choices to be made and vital decisions to be taken. This inner conflict brings much reflection—for her and for the reader himself.

With the breadth of perception, she has acquired her vision expands to the point of almost reaching what seems to be a true universal concept of Life and Love, an alternative of hope for our dystopian and materialistic world today.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is mystery. It is the source of all true art and science.”

Albert Einstein


ISBN 9786500654110
Número de páginas 137
Edición 1 (2023)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabado Folleto c/solapa
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Ahuesado 80g
Idioma Inglés

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