Open Your Mouth and Close Your Eyes

Dreams, Seduction and Love

Por Sean O'Reilly

Código del libro: 470682


Realismo Fantástico, Literatura Nacional, Ficção e Romance

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This is a story of love and adventure that, I guarantee, will be worth reading. You know that situation where you got interested in a movie just because of the poster, because it wasn't much publicized, but when you finish watching, you are happy, overflowing with satisfaction and enthusiasm to recommend it to friends? This novel will make you feel like that. It's a story you won't rest until you reach the end.

Yours sincerely,

Sean (independent author)

Note: This is an adult novel. (contains spicy scenes)


In 2025, Juliana Blum, 17, a senior student at OHS - Oklahoma High School, falls in love with Paul Lawrence, 44, her teacher, after he divorced. Admitting she's in love after a hot erotic dream, Julie decides that she wants to date him at all costs, and calls for help from her best friends. But her father is Paul's best friend. Strict school rules also prohibit dating, which would lead him to termination for cause. In addition, he is a righteous follower of ethical norms and principles. Even so, the beautiful young Julie, for whom he has deep admiration, respect, and friendship, is determined to conquer him and plans to seduce him, until Paul falls uncon­ditionally in love and the idea of hidden dating becomes desirable and he gets willing to drop everything in the name of the love for her. There is a mysterious phenomenon between them that interferes with the unfolding of everything in the story.


ISBN 9788591718160
Número de páginas 452
Edición 1 (2020)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabado Folleto c/solapa
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Inglés

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