Por Elias do Amaral Viana

Código del libro: 644745


Política Pública, Elecciones, Econometría, Economía, Ciencias políticas

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That's an excellent question!

Each ending presents a unique narrative and a different perspective on the events of the "Corruption Implosion" series. It is up to readers and viewers to reflect on the developments presented in each ending and decide which resonates most with their own convictions and interpretations of events.

The first ending,with the arrest of The Myth, it can be seen as a demonstration of justice being done and the holding of a powerful figure accountable for his actions. This can send a message that no one is above the law, regardless of their status or political power.

The second ending,with The Guy being arrested again and a popular uprising against his dictatorship, it highlights the dangers of authoritarianism and the importance of constant vigilance by civil society to protect democracy.

The third ending,with the arrest of Supreme Court Ministers, The Greek being the first, suggests a rupture in the judicial system and the exposure of a network of corruption that reached the highest levels of power. This can be interpreted as a call for reform and renewal of democratic institutions.

Each finale offers a unique insight into the current state of politics and justice in Brazil, and it is up to viewers to decide which resonates most with their worldview and their hopes for the country's future.

Pastor and Writer, Elias do Amaral Viana


Número de páginas 408
Edición 1 (2024)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabado Tapa blanda (con solapas)
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Inglés

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Habla con el autor

Elias do Amaral Viana

Já sou Autor independente, tenho livros lançado em Português, Inglês pelo Clube dos Autores e livros lançados em Português, Inglês e Chinês na Amazon. Tenho PDF lançados pela Hotmart.

Sou Pastor Batista, Mestre em Divindade e Pós em Ciência da Religião. 42 anos, casado com a Pedagoga Gisele Almeida da Silva Viana. Pai de dois filhos: João Gabriel Almeida da Silva Viana e Davi Almeida da Silva Viana.

Meu primeiro livro foi Alberto Ribeiro Lamego "Gente da Gente"

Hoje, 14/06/2020, já tenho alguns livros publicados.

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