In a distant kingdom, surrounded by mysterious forests and forgotten legends, lived a dragon known as Winged Fury. Despite his imposing name, Fury was actually a shy and fearful dragon who had always preferred the peace of his mountains to any adventure. But his tranquility was shattered when King Hattox, an ambitious and fearless ruler, decided to claim Winged Fury's lands as his own.
Amid this dispute, two brave friends, Oliver and Emily, stumble upon the immense dragon hiding among the forest trees. Seeing his distress, Oliver and Emily decide to help him, proposing a bold plan to reclaim the dragon’s home.
In this adventure, the trio learns that true courage comes from within and that friendship is the most powerful flame to face any battle.
ISBN | 9786501204826 |
Número de páginas | 48 |
Edición | 1 (2024) |
Formato | Quadrado (200x200) |
Acabado | Tapa blanda (sin solapas) |
Coloración | Colorido |
Tipo de papel | Estucado Mate 90g |
Idioma | Inglés |
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