Therapeutic Diet

Based on Macrobiotics and Chinese Medicine

Por Jorge Ayoub

Código del libro: 700517


Verduras, Infertilidad, Enfermedades, Dietoterapia, Dietas, Salud y bienestar, Medicina, Ciencias Biológicas

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Yin and Yang are like a compass that guides us to choose the right foods in each situation. Beware of diets that unbalance the five basic nutritional components, which are vitamins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and proteins, to force the body to adapt and thus lose weight. This slimming, by forcing the body to make gluconeogenesis, has many side effects that are not worth it and may generate imbalances and diseases.

Therefore, diets which drastically increase the consumption of animal proteins and fats and which reduce carbohydrates to the utmost may do great harm to the body, to our acid-base balance and to our organs, which suffer to adapt to this type of acidifying diet.

Nobody can stay on this type of diet for a long time; sooner or later the person will be attracted to sweets, fruit juices or even alcohol. The side effects of this type of diet are emotional imbalance and mood swings, because glucose is fuel for the brain and muscles.

In general, if one eats meat and does not use sugar, the testosterone tends to increase, but diets with excess of meat decrease the thyroid activity, increase cortisol the stress hormone and decrease testosterone, with loss of libido and muscle mass, beyond that reduce the production of growth hormone (excess of yang generates yin), causing premature aging. By eliminating whole grains, they leave the body with a lack of fibre, causing countless problems, such as a constipated bowel and a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Thus, who wants to lose weight should avoid and if possible cut out from diet the saccharose such as white sugar, honey, cane molasses, brown sugar, demerara sugar and ban artificial sweeteners that damage the brain, disturbing the balance of glycemia and astonishingly so many diabetics are advised to use artificial sweeteners, putting their health at risk!


I usually say that experience is not taught, it is acquired over time.


ISBN 9786588530610
Número de páginas 222
Edición 1 (2024)
Formato 16x23 (160x230)
Acabado Tapa blanda (con solapas)
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Portugués

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Habla con el autor

Jorge Ayoub

Jorge Ayoub

Endereço – Rua Dr. Jose Estefno , 297 – Vila Mariana / São Paulo / SP

Telefones - 11 998 832 709

E – mail - [email protected]

Profissional registrado na Prefeitura com o CCM – 3.216.416 – 5 , e sob o Código 04278 – Acupunturista.

Para saber o que faço pode acessar meu instagram: jorge_ayoub_acupuntura_mtc

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