Habla con el autor

Edson Camacho

1 publicación

Sobre el autor

Edson L P Camacho is a highly skilled professional with a degree in Technology in Digital Games and a postgraduate degree in Artificial Intelligence. With extensive experience in teaching and mentoring, he has helped hundreds of students to develop digital games using Unity and C#, as well as the Unreal engine.

His passion for learning and innovation extends beyond game development, as he is also a dedicated student of digital painting and 3D modeling for games. He continuously seeks to broaden his knowledge and expertise, ensuring that he can share only the highest quality content with his students.

Edson is a true industry expert, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with cutting-edge technologies and techniques. His commitment to his students and to the field of digital game development is unparalleled, making him an invaluable resource for anyone looking to take their skills to the next level.
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Tecnologia Em Jogos Digitais

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