Safih Choat

1 publicación

Sobre el autor

Sensitive since when she was kid, Safih naturally sought answers about the supernatural influence on our minds and the physical influence on our bodies, as she always forecasted things, situations, and so on, without understanding how it worked.

At the age of 17 she entered the university of Psychology, deepening her knowledge of emotions and psychosomatics, while started her studies in quantum physics, as she always wanted to understand and access everything about life, in a deepest way.

Through astrology, she sought to understand the influence of the stars on nature, on the magnetic field, on people, on behaviors; through complementary therapies, like flower treatments, reiki and color therapy, she tried to increase not just their health, but also the pet's health behaviors; with the oriental milenar knowledge, she could understand better our deep desires, our ego, the human yearnings.

With an unwavering affection, naturally reaching out to those in need, she' ve never let go of use all her skills toward the others, her grandest ambition.

Her tune with art, music, words, creative endeavor, triggered her to work with fashion trends, as if she could treat the needs from outside to inside, and as a researcher therapist, as if she could do it, from inside to outside.

Since 2021, she was invite to work as photographer and model of her own photos, where some of them were chosen to be exhibited in many countries, now launching this 2nd book sharing her personal journey.
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