The Archangel Gabriel's Hierarchy

Por Eliel Roshveder

Código del libro: 546603


Sobrenatural, Meditación, Ángeles y Guías Espirituales, No ficción juvenil, Cuerpo, mente y espíritu, Angelología

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Gabriel's role is as the messenger angel who announced the birth of Yeshua to Mary; he was also the one who brought the answer to Daniel's prayer after the confrontation with the demons when he had Mikael's support. However, Gabriel's role goes beyond that. He is the archangel of the second Hierarchy and is connected with the second day of creation and also with the second finger of the Apocalypse, second vial, second trumpet and second thunder.

Gabriel is one of the seven angels of the basic hierarchies of the cosmos, the so-called structural hierarchies present in the seven main Chakras of the human being.

The Chakra operated by Gabriel is in the womb and around it are the seven inferior Chakras of chaos, as Gabriel separates man from the abyss, preventing the forces of chaos from corrupting our life.

On the second day of creation Gabriel brought solid matter creating the planets over the abyss and he does the same in the human womb blocking the energies of the seven lower Chakras that bring to man the desire for sin and all impure things.

Gabriel helps the man who wants to follow the light to escape the passions and prisons of the abyss, so he commands the Sephira of the Foundation, Yesod, leading the man to follow the ladder towards the light.

In Malkuth Michael man is still on earth, at the level of Malkuth, but with Gabriel and Yesod man begins the journey towards eternity.

Discover this fantastic secret. Gabriel is one of the structural angels who maintain the world and the cosmos, he is not just a messenger but a being with multiple functions.

Angels are emanations of the Ain Soph, the Supreme Creator, and each angel has its role in the structure of the universe. He often acts as spokesperson for the Creator and Gabriel has a special role as spokesperson, but his performance is extremely profound, including participating in the creation of the world and all stars and dimensions.

Discover in this work this secret that transcends matter, which is far beyond the religious system.


ISBN 9798223375760
Número de páginas 110
Edición 1 (2023)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabado Tapa blanda (con solapas)
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Inglés

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Habla con el autor

Eliel Roshveder

Escrevi antologias de poesias e contos e tenho publicado ebooks na net na Amazon e outras empresas, e agora resolvi publicar no clube dos autores.

Tenho um grupo no face que estuda mistérios e conspirações.

Gosto da cabala e da meditação.

Também estudo ufologia, tendo sido contatado e abduzido.

Minha vida é ligada a mundos paralelos e dimensões.

Estudo profecias, mistérios e conspirações, Apocalipse e mudanças no planeta.

A terra caminha para um momento importante.

O Apocalipse é real e está perto.

Conheça minhas obras e vão gostar.

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