The Secret God Who Challenged Christ

A Journey to the Heart of Mithraism

Por Jacob Ward/ Luiz Santos

Código del libro: 776968


Religioso y Ritualístico, Mente & Cuerpo, Espiritualidad, Esoterismo, Desenvolvimental, Salud y bienestar, Religión, Cuerpo, mente y espíritu, Autoayuda

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The Secret God Who Challenged Christ - A Journey to the Heart of Mithraism - By Jacob Ward

Behind the scenes of the Roman Empire, as Christianity gained strength and established itself as the dominant religion, another secret cult was rising in the shadows, vying for the soul of civilization: Mithraism. With mysterious origins, shrouded in clandestine rituals and enigmatic symbols, this cult directly rivaled the Christian faith, offering a path of enlightenment, discipline, and transcendence to those willing to uncover its secrets.

Rooted in Persian and Greek traditions, the worship of Mithras, the warrior god who sacrifices the cosmic bull to bring forth life, captivated soldiers, merchants, and intellectuals of the empire. Its initiates, divided into seven hierarchical degrees, underwent spiritual trials, ritualistic banquets, and esoteric teachings within underground temples—the mysterious mithraea. But what did this cult truly represent? What was its promise of salvation? And why, in its final confrontation with Christianity, did it vanish from the official pages of history?

Jacob Ward guides us through a labyrinth of hidden symbols, archaeological discoveries, and erased narratives, revealing not only the essence of Mithraism but also an unsettling question: what if history had taken a different path? If Emperor Constantine had chosen the cult of Mithras as Rome’s official religion, what would the world look like today? Would we have underground temples instead of cathedrals? A warrior god instead of the crucified Christ?

In this fascinating work, every page is a key to a forgotten mystery, an invitation to explore a universe where faith, power, and destiny intertwine in unexpected ways. The secrets of Mithras still echo—are you ready to hear them?


ISBN 9786599810893
Número de páginas 208
Edición 1 (2025)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabado Tapa blanda (con solapas)
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Ahuesado 80g
Idioma Inglés

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Jacob Ward/ Luiz Santos

Luiz Santos é editor-chefe da Booklas Publishing, empresa especializada em serviços para autores que desejam publicar livros. A Booklas Publishing oferece suporte completo na transformação de manuscritos em obras finalizadas, incluindo desenvolvimento de identidade visual para capas, revisão textual, diagramação, tradução e demais processos editoriais. A empresa é registrada na Receita Federal do Brasil e detém os direitos autorais sobre as obras publicadas sob seu selo editorial.

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