The Hierarchy of Archangel Israel

Por Eliel Roshveder

Código del libro: 560322


Fenómenos Inexplicables, Esoterismo, Ángeles y Guías Espirituales, Religión, Cuerpo, mente y espíritu, Angelología

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Israel is the archangel who wrestled with Jacob and Jacob had his name changed to Israel. Ish ra el, is man climbing the ladder of Sephiroth to reach the divine, the supernatural. Israel is the ascent towards the throne, the spiral ascent leading man to leave this world and come into contact with the worlds of light.

Israel also symbolizes other worlds in the cosmos with humans like us and of whom we are on earth just brothers on a cosmic scale, brothers fighting for the same goals.

To you, LORD, I lift up my soul.

My God, in you I trust, do not let me be confused, even if my enemies triumph over me.

Indeed, those who hope in you will not be confused; confounded shall be they that transgress without cause.

Make me know your ways, Lord; teach me your paths.

Guide me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; I'm waiting for you all day.

Psalms 25:2-5

To raise the soul is to climb the ladder of the Sephiroth towards the throne. And how to do that if we are sinners. Learning the ways of Adonai as the Psalm says below.

He is the one who teaches us the paths we should walk. He shows us the paths of spirituality that we must follow and also the paths in the physical world separating us for him.

In his paths, our soul is being refined and sometimes even in pain, even in agony, because crying can last for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Sometimes we cry and our pain is deep, but all of this is a process towards the light, towards the heavenly and earthly Canaan when the millennial kingdom is installed here on earth.

Only on the paths of light can we overcome the power of the flesh and Israel guides us on this path towards the divine, towards the Creator.

Abductions are mainly part of the Kalimon hierarchy, the fifth hierarchy like Israel's, so we will also deal with this subject in this work.

These abductions are terrible and have two central objectives: the creation of a hybrid race and the control of minds and hearts, preventing the person from climbing Jacob's ladder, having the evolution directed by Israel for the elect.


ISBN 9798223433750
Número de páginas 319
Edición 1 (2023)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabado Tapa blanda (con solapas)
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Portugués

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Habla con el autor

Eliel Roshveder

Escrevi antologias de poesias e contos e tenho publicado ebooks na net na Amazon e outras empresas, e agora resolvi publicar no clube dos autores.

Tenho um grupo no face que estuda mistérios e conspirações.

Gosto da cabala e da meditação.

Também estudo ufologia, tendo sido contatado e abduzido.

Minha vida é ligada a mundos paralelos e dimensões.

Estudo profecias, mistérios e conspirações, Apocalipse e mudanças no planeta.

A terra caminha para um momento importante.

O Apocalipse é real e está perto.

Conheça minhas obras e vão gostar.

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